Dr Andrew Hills

Research Fellow

Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering
The University of Sheffield
Mappin Street
S3 7QL
United Kingdom

Email: {email} PGP/GPG key
Office: +44 (0)114 222 5601
Fax: +44 (0)114 222 5683
Room: B20, Amy Johnson Building

My Research

To date, I have worked on a research fellow position and five research associate positions within the University of Sheffield. My first research position commenced midway through my PhD in 2010 and was in the BearInspect project where I developed algorithms for fault detection on wind turbines.

After this position, I returned to my PhD studies and was offered my next post in an industrial-funded project in 2012. This project involved gathering data via a trial where we asked for participants from around the University to take part in our study.

Immediately after this post, I joined the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering (joint with the Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering) in a project involving the detection of voids surrounding water pipes. During this time, I was also asked to optimise algorithms to achieve fast runtime performance. Following this project, I briefly stopped employment to wrap up my PhD studies in 2013.

Between November 2013 and December 2014, I worked on the biologically-inspired massively parallel architecture (BIMPA) project where I constructed a ray tracer to operate on the SpiNNaker architecture. This project also led to the development of several small projects such as the OpenFlight parser in Python. I eventually managed to demonstrate that we could render scenes at a rate of 6,660 pixels per second where 11,800 cores (695 SpiNNaker chips) would be required to render complex scenes at 100 Hz with a rendering resolution of 1024 x 768.

From December 2014, I started work in the Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre in Control and Monitoring Systems Engineering, working on health monitoring systems and the development of embedded wireless sensor systems for the next generation of large civil gas turbine engines. In 2015, I also became involved in the development of a research portal service for the National Joint Registry and an ARUK-funded project. In addition to my research work, I am involved in various taught undergraduate, taught postgraduate and research postgraduate projects.

From September 2017, I became a research fellow within the Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre in Control and Monitoring Systems Engineering. In this role, I lead research within health management technologies, encapsulating software and hardware from embedded SoC devices to cloud computing infrastructures, data analytics/machine learning and mathematical modelling.

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